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Vascular Plant Herbarium

Federal Status

Candidate Species

    These 'Candidate' species are not currently proposed for listing, but development and publication of proposed rules for such candidate species is anticipated. The US Fish and Wildlife Service has on file sufficient information on biological vulnerability and threat(s) to support proposals to list them as endangered or threatened species. The US Fish and Wildlife Service will determine the relative listing priority of these candidate species, and encourages other agencies, groups and individuals to give consideration to these taxa in environmental planning.


    The taxon recovered, being monitored for first five years

Listed Endangered

    The taxon is threatened by extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range.

Listed Threatened

    The taxon is likely to become an endangered species in the foreseeable future.

Searches may take a couple of minutes to complete depending on your Internet connection speed and the number of records entered.
The State and Federal Status are based on Tennessee Natural Heritage Program Rare Plant List 2008, and updated on-line by Pat Barnwell. Search result contains only those taxa that have been entered into the TENN flora database.  If you have knowledge of a plant not listed, please contact Dr. B. E. Wofford at
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Dr. Jessica M. Budke.

The flagship campus of the University of Tennessee System and partner in the Tennessee Transfer Pathway.