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Vascular Plant Herbarium

Vascular Plant Database Common Name Results

Click on the species name to see the species distribution map and photo image.

Common Name: Cumberland rosemary, false rosemary
Family Name: Lamiaceae


  • Conradina verticillata Jennison (TN Threatened)  (Listed Threatened)
    NWI R2 TN: Facultative Wetland -
    Common Name: Cumberland rosemary, false rosemary
             • Conradina montana Small

*Non-native taxon known to be naturalized in Tennessee
All names & statuses follow the Guide to the Vascular Plants of Tennessee (2015).
Click here for a description of rare, threatened, or endangered (RTE) status & National Wetland Indicator (NWI) status.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Dr. Jessica M. Budke or Margaret Oliver.

The flagship campus of the University of Tennessee System and partner in the Tennessee Transfer Pathway.